Turning Interest into Action
The Forum is a non-profit 501(c)3 established on the St. Thomas US Virgin Islands, in 1996 to bring world-renowned performers and events to engage, entertain, stimulate, enrich, and share the knowledge and enthusiasm for the music of these aspiring musicians with our community.
Throughout its 26-year history, The Forum presented 85 programs, 20 film festivals and over 45 Operas live in HD from the Met Opera, New York City, and 14 plays, live in HD, from the National Theater, London.
Anything Is Possible
Season 2023-2024 introduces the African diaspora with fresh, new energy to the classical music genre and introducing a variety of cultural exchange initiatives to inspire our local community to experience the music of similar small rural areas around the world where music is an essential aspect of their day-to-day lives.
The Forum has maintained a commitment to providing stellar entertainment and educational events for the entire US Virgin Islands. Although the Community Outreach Events focus on students, the workshops and master classes are available to the Community at-large.
Consequently, The Forum is committed to the following ticket pricing, available for the community through our ticketing system "PromoTix":
Ticket Pricing
Adults - $30/$20 Teachers - $10
Students - $5/$0 Children - Free of Charge